It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Astral meanders February 2017

In General: February begins with Venus moving into Aries, adding some passion and excitement to relationships. The Full Moon eclipse in Leo on the 10th adds to this creative and flamboyant energy. If you are not in a relationship then meeting new and interesting people is very likely. The lunar eclipse is sextile Jupiter in Libra, and trine Saturn in Sagittarius. These aspects add to the good energy of this eclipse, so we can be even more positive and we can be more practical and disciplined with the energy with Saturn involved. With Both the New Moon and Mercury in Pisces towards the end of the month, our minds turn to things spiritual, whimsical and visionary. Many of us will want to spend time alone in thought and contemplation. A solar eclipse occurs on February 26th in Pisces. This is the last of the Pisces eclipses, so we can see a lot of culmination and finishing up going on with this eclipse. We can take everything that we’ve dealt with over the last couple years and finally get a fresh start.
If you are celebrating a birthday at this time then it will be a wonderful sense of new beginning for you and the year ahead looks very positive indeed! On the world scene it will be a time of change, but the real change is not so obvious right now. People power is definitely on the rise. Locally enjoy a sense of new beginnings.

Quote of the month: 
And in today already walks tomorrow. ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge


In February, caution is advised in all activities as Mars is making it all too easy for little accidents to occur. Career prospects however, are good and monetary gains are forecast, especially for any investments in technology. Relationships take on a deeper and more meaningful tone  and health will be sound.


Taurus you are entering a period where you will have more independence and more personal power to create the conditions you want. At this time, in your affairs, you know best and should follow your own best judgment. Health wise take care of your feet and your ankles by giving them more support when exercising.


Gemini, you are in one of the most important and positive career periods of 2017! You can push ahead with career goals confidently now. This is a month where pay rises, promotions and recognition will come at work. Your public image is very much enhanced.


The two eclipses this month are strong for you and a reduced schedule is good idea. The Solar Eclipse of the 8th can bring changes to your direction, and the Lunar eclipse later in the  month will give you the opportunity to redefine your personality, your image or appearance, and begin a healthier lifestyle. Creativity is favoured!


Increased earnings and earning opportunities will come through others this month. Your social skills seem more of a factor here than your personal skills. Its important to get a good balance in your life now, try to rest and relax more at least until the 18th. Pay more attention to your spine, knees, teeth and  skeletal alignment.


This month gives you a good taste of independence. However its wise to take a low profile, avoid self-assertion or self-will. Adapt to situations and attain your goals through compromise, consensus and negotiation. Gaining the co-operation of others is imperative now.


This month Librans enjoy spending more time with the people in their life. The focus is on dreams with the lunar eclipse, and its time to figure out which ones you want to focus on pursuing. You can also focus on your friendships and the groups you belong to, and become closer and more invested in some.


It's a good month to start new creative projects and ventures and you’re feeling positive and creative. You can focus more on connecting to your heart and bringing more love into your life. You can be more entertaining in your communication style, and have a more playful attitude.


Sagittarians will enjoy spending more time on hobbies, being with the people they love and focusing on creative projects and ventures. In love, you will be more romantic. If in a relationship, you may want to make it feel like it did when you first met. You can tackle short-term plans, and be excited by what you can work on.


This month you will take your time coming up with new ideas, making decisions, or taking actions, but once you decide what to do, you will ultimately stick with it. It’s time to release old baggage and move on now. It may be scary, but it will open you up to transform yourself or your life in new ways for the better.


Aquarians will enjoy using their minds, coming up with new ideas and learning new things, in February. In love, a mind connection will be uppermost, and the focus is on opening up the lines of communication with a partner. You will feel most like yourself when you’re taking it easy, relaxing, and indulging a little.


You begin to work on finishing up major projects or ventures. You’re likely to get rewarded for the hard work you’ve done. You also focus on your daily routine and eliminate what’s slowing you down, streamlining things. It’s beneficial to focus on your health now and to quit bad habits that have impacted you.

Meditation moments: The way to turn every moment into a meditation!

By turning everyday activities into meditation moments, you can bring more mindfulness, clarity, and peace into your day while energizing yourself and reducing stress.

When you get up in the morning, you generally wash, you can use washing your face for a first meditation opportunity. Feel the temperature of the water on your hands. Focus on the temperature as you add a little soap. Pay attention to how the suds feel on your hand, your face etc.
As you go about your day, you will most likely be waiting in line or in traffic, so take a moment to breathe. Everyone has to breathe, and there is no likelihood of  the person in front of you in the coffee line  knowing you are meditating! Sense the breath coming in and out of your nose or mouth. Make the out breath longer than the in breath.
It is always healthy to take a walk after you eat. However even if you don’t have time in your break, you will have to walk somewhere during your day, maybe from the kitchen to the living room or from your car to the house. Take this time to do a simple walking meditation. Feel your feet as they touch the ground and focus on articulating each move.


Astral meanders: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse February 11th

The lunar eclipse on Friday 10 February 2017 is at 22 degrees Leo. This lunar eclipse is a wonderful opportunity for manifesting the good in our lives! There are so many positive aspects packed into this lunar eclipse and used wisely it will lay good foundations for the months ahead. This eclipse highlights relationship dynamics and the polarities between partners, home and work, friends and family.
Jupiter opposite Uranus at the same time can complicate things somewhat by exaggerating our needs for personal freedom and excitement. There could be a strong urge to react, or rebel against anything that is stopping us from doing what we want. The best advice is to take a moment to breathe and reflect before reacting to situations. Be clear about what you really want and then be clear and honest in your communication.

You can contact Bev on 0401800210 for Astrology charts, tarot reading, workshops and meditation classes.

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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”