Thought for the week: In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous. Aristotle
In General:
The month begins with the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in the sign of Leo. Venus will enter Leo on the 12th. It's vital that what we do comes from the heart now. This is a time to expose and share our creative muscles. Mars is recently entered Scorpio and this as an opportunity for true expressiveness. The first two weeks in August is also a great time for introspection and releasing old wounds of the past. After the 6th there are three planets in the potent sign of Scorpio, encouraging folk to release anything valueless in their lives and come face to face with themselves. The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on August 10th. This is a time to absorb more about the limitations of freedom and pleasure. The New Moon energizes Virgo on the 25th, offering opportunities for organizing, editing, and refining work and health issues. If you have a birthday this month then you can expect the year ahead to offer you a new start in some way and the opportunity to let go of unwanted baggage! On the world scene August promises to be an eye opener when it comes to the real meaning of freedom. Locally take yourself a little seriously and get your health and wellbeing issues in order!
Your ruler Mars is presently increasing your emotions and turning your attention to the deeper features of your life until mid-September. This can be a stimulating month for many of you, but also complex, as part of you is looking for intensity with others and another part just wants to relish the moment. This is a strong month, however, for sorting out which desires and impulses truly serve you well, and which ones you may need to resist. The final week of the month is particularly strong for taking charge of health, healing, and work issues.
August is a period for discovering your needs. Some of you could be moving to superior or improved homes this year, and the process of discerning more suitable living arrangements could begin at this time. Even if this is not likely, investing in your current home or taking steps to make it extra harmonious are favoured now. Make every attempt to fulfill your need for security, wholeness, and inner wellness now. The last week brings an agreeable emphasis on the creative, idealistic and playful.
You're communicating more, making new connections, learning new skills and becoming interested in novel things. There can be new equipment in your life that helps you to stay more connected, and your social life tends to be on the increase. A chief potential difficulty this month is nervous tension, you’ve a lot on your plate and so many projects going that it can be problematic to truly relax your mind and your body. There’ll be a lot of visits, errand running, texts and calls, so you will definitely need some down time.
As long as you watch carefully for risk-taking with money you can have a sustaining month. Channel excess energy into exercise, creativity or music. Many of you will be carrying yourselves with a little more self-respect now, and this helps to attract positive people and circumstances to you. Be sure to discuss finances, assets and security matters with trusted people or advisors at this time, as it can be very much to your benefit. Take some time to smell the roses too.
After a rather protracted period of uncertainty and some level of withdrawal, you are moving into a more self-assured, open, and personally powerful section of your life. For now though, Mars is challenging you from your sector of home, family, and self-image. This is a time for making peace with people and yourself, putting fears behind you, refining your image and appearance, and sharing your pleasure with others. From the 23-25, a strong energy is with you for taking charge of professional issues.
There are sure to be some attitudes, life paths, and projects that have now become burdens to you in some manner. By the 23-25, you are turning over a new leaf. It's a time for some form of individual reinvention. Until then, it's time to make new arrangements. In fact, on a broader level, these preparations will be part of your life all year with Jupiter in the spiritual sector of a chart that so many other planets are also visiting this month. Keep an open mind about issues in general.
This month and up until mid-September, you can feel some pressure to perform and manifest in hands-on areas. The 18-19 is an especially strong opportunity period. The Full Moon on the 10th, when romantic feelings can come to full bloom, although a satisfying time, can be complicated or blocked in some way. As the month advances, you begin to desire more time to yourself, or at least time away from competitive or distracting environments. Travel is favoured.
This can be a very busy, notable month for you, dear Scorpio. You are enticing a lot of attention, and energy is high but hectic at times. You can be very busy with form-filling and planning on long-term levels. It's in fact a good time to make applications, whether they're career, financial, or government related, as authority figures tend to look upon you favorably now. Some of you could be in the situation of taking charge. Mars can help advance your confidence as long as you practice self-control at the same time.
While you are not yet entirely in your element with Mars in your personal sector all month and partway into the next, you are definitely on your way. Your daily, mundane routines can seem exceptionally dull at this time, as you are seeking out broader horizons and different experiences. Subjects like education, teaching, travel, or dissemination of information can be prominent now. You could be making connections with people from very dissimilar backgrounds and experiences than you, and new interests can figure powerfully.
This is a very resourceful time for you. Support systems can open up for you guys, finances can improve, and you may be growing your mind and experiences with a special person. This is a time for exploring hidden aspects of yourself and of life itself. However, it's important to keep things moderate. Excess never works in your favour, even excesses of the good stuff. Self-improvement efforts can be rewarding. Use this month for formulating strategies and plans. Friends can be helpful now.
Conditions are such that you are seeing the value of negotiations, joining forces, and compromise this month, Aquarius. This is a time for balancing those areas of your life that have gotten out of whack. While some of you could be meeting a partner or taking a relationship to a new level, others are simply turning to trusted friends or professionals for good company and helpful advice. Your social life is likely to pick up pace. A commercial partnership may be considered at this time.
You have increasing trust in the services you deliver or the work you do. The Full Moon on the 10th will remind you to balance work with rest, especially if you've been overdoing work efforts. You might also learn of a secret or otherwise hidden information that significantly touches your life. From mid-month forward, you're likely to learn ways to advance your relationship with co-workers or classmates, or for bringing more harmony and balance to your environment.
Astral Peeks: Love
Much has been said about the compatibility of Sun Signs.
For example, although Aries and Leo are supposed to get along, in reality they might butt heads, while the theoretically incompatible Libra and Cancer might happily stay together forever. This is because Sun Sign Compatibility takes into account only one of hundreds of compatibility factors.
When the relationship in question is a love relationship, one factor that should be considered is the comparison of Venus signs. Although similar to Sun Sign compatibility, Venus Sign compatibility hones in on the individuals' love nature, and can therefore be exceptionally illuminating!
Meditation moments: Clear Thinking
Clear thinking is vital for everyone, after all it is the state of our minds that determines the overall quality of our experiences. It has been accepted for some time by psychologists that most people use about 5% of their full mental potential, which means our mind is our most under-utilized resource and we are only a fraction of what we can be.
During Meditation the mind gains direct access to the deeper, quieter, more powerful and intuitive levels of thinking. This experience systematically expands consciousness and infuses the mind with creativity and intelligence, bringing improvements in all aspects of mental performance and perception. After meditating, the mind is fresher, quieter, more alert and happier. Awareness shifts and one finds they begin to respond in a completely different way to demands and pressure.
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