It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Astral Meanders March 2016

March 2016

Thought for the month: Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance, the lasting perfume. ~Jean de Boufflers

In General: With a good many planets in Pisces this can shape up to be a very emotional and instinctive month. March 6th sees Mars enter Sagittarius and handling numerous projects at once becomes almost second nature to many of us! This is a good time for studying, particularly on academic level. On the 8th a New Super Moon has a total Solar eclipse. This New Moon in Pisces (the only total solar eclipse in 2016 and visible in East Asia, Australia and The Pacific) heralds a time for spirituality to come to the fore. Many of us will need some time alone with our feelings. Solar Eclipses, force us to contemplate options we would never usually explore. Although this can cause momentary disorder, it’s wise to remember that eclipses are there to bring positives into our lives! Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces on the 11th is a highly cognitive time.  On Mar 16th expansive Jupiter makes a trine to Pluto. This mixture of energies sets up an outstanding three-week period of time when we should reach for conclusive outcomes in healing, travel, legal matters, and even find  that perfect  partner for support. Mars 23rd sees the Full Moon in Libra and we naturally put a good deal of energy into our relationships. If you are celebrating your birthday this week get ready for a significant and empowering year ahead! Locally it’s a wonderful opportunity to see the full moon eclipse and on the world scene religious matters and business matters will be highlighted.

This is a great time to attain your desires and to reach your goals. You know what you want and how to get it. Increased charisma will auger well for relationships. Fast thinking and decisiveness means that making plans is ideal, and being more adventurous and taking risks ought to lead to positive outcomes.

You have particularly good social skills now so making new friends is easy as people appreciate your friendly attitude and agreeableness. This is an excellent time to make real progress with the things in life that mean a lot to you, work, relationships and longer term objectives.

On March 21st, Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries, and you can think about things in a new way, coming up with original ideas and thinking outside of the box. You can think about your future dreams, and how you can make them a reality now. Now you can make good impressions that benefit you, and you can come up with long-term plans that are realistic.

Some of you may be giving intimate advice and perhaps ‘sensing’ more than thinking as your gut knowing will be stronger now. You will be taking your direction more seriously or be more aware of how you present yourself and the impression you are making on others. Traditions or social conventions can have more of your attention.

This month Venus joins Mercury in Pisces, and you enjoy connecting with others to create strong emotional bonds. In love, you take your relationships more earnestly, you want to feel closer to your partner emotionally and have a better understanding of them. You can benefit from having a partner this month, so be open to working with someone instead of alone.

You enjoy your time spent with the people in your life, and may want to spend more time with others, especially one-on-one. You can center on improving your relationships, wanting to make sure you have true guarantees in all of them. You’ll be rewarded for the hard work you’ve done to improve your financial well-being.

This can be a good month for creative work, especially writing. You will likely be presented with new work opportunities that excite you, or you will create new openings for yourself. Focus on the little things, make lists and get organized, and you will enjoy being productive and resourceful once again!

Mars enters your money sector on the 2nd, and this could be what spurns you on to focus more on your work. You’re motivated to be in a better position financially, and you can do what it takes to create some order. This can be a great time for a creative project or endeavour, and you can be praised or recognized for something you’ve done.

In March you want to have fun, and to be with the people you find fun, who make you laugh, and make you feel positive. This can be good time to begin something that you’ll focus on for the next couple years of your life, and you can be excited about it. After this eclipse you should have a better understanding of how you can create the future you’ve always wanted.

The lunar eclipse on the 23rd is the third in a series of three lunar eclipses over the last three years in your career and life path sector. If you’ve been experiencing a period of challenge and growth, this could be why. With this being the final chapter, you can now move on from the chaos, and get rewarded for hard work to attain your goals.

You take more time to enjoy the moment and experience life, being more in tune with your body and nature. You seem to be ultra-charming, charismatic, and attractive to others now. However, you tend to question yourself and your connection to others and the future with more intensity now.

The solar eclipse, occurs on March 8th in your own sign of Pisces. You may liftoff a new professional or personal endeavor that will culminate with the equivalent lunar eclipse in your sign on September 16th. You could get more money from your job. Alternatively, you could see a spouse or family member come into some funds.

Astral Peeks: Mabon, Autumn Equinox, March 20-23

Theoretically, an equinox is an astronomical point and, due to the fact that the earth wobbles on its axis slightly, the date can vary by a few days depending on the year. The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun crosses the equator on its seeming journey southward, and we experience a day and a night that are of equal length. Up until Mabon, the hours of daylight have been greater than the hours from sunset to dawn. But from now on, the reverse holds true.
This is the period to look back on the previous year and to plan for the future. In the rhythm of the year, Mabon is a time of rest and merriment, after the hard work of gathering the crops. Warm autumn days are followed by colder nights, as the Old Sun God returns to the embrace of the Goddess. It is when we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our individual harvests, whether they be from labouring in our gardens, working at our careers, raising our families, or just coping with the miasma of ordinary life. At this time food is prepared for storage, jams and pickles are made, and fruits are candied and preserved for the coming winter. In personal terms it is when we conserve what we have learnt, grown, experienced and keep them safe to use again wisely!
Try taking a walk outside and enjoying the cooling weather, gathering autumn leaves in bright colours, preparing a feast of foods appropriate for the season, making leaf prints!
If you are feasting then use this lovely chant to honour your meal!
Our hands work for peace and goodness,
We toil and till to bless the land.
Let us gather round the bounteous table.
To feast and relish what we have harvested. So Mote It Be

Mabon …Autumn Equinox workshop
Mabon is the mid-harvest festival, it is when we take a few moments to honour the changing seasons, and celebrate the second harvest. It is a time of giving thanks for the things we have. The workshop teaches about the seasonal cycles and how to produce ritual to celebrate these in our lives. 9 am-2pm Sunday 20th March. $80 /$70 concession Wooloweyah book early 66469022/0401800210

Meditation moments: Touring???

 Once again I urge individuals to seriously consider a magical journey with me in 2016… we always have so much fun and life friendships are made whilst memories that nourish for eternity are created!
Dragon’s Eye Tours, in collaboration with WindRose Travel (formerly Jetset Travel Ballina), is pleased to announce its eighth season of sacred sites tours of pilgrimage and magic, the first to the West Country of England and Cornwall, and the second to Ireland. Travelling with a small group (12 max) and with plenty of time to relax, wander, explore, meditate and experience the power and energy of the special places we visit, you can be assured of a unique and exceptional holiday experience. Rituals and meditations on both tours will be facilitated by your tour guides, Wiccan Priestess Christine Casey and our 2014/2015 guest guide, Bev Murray, a Wiccan Priestess who will also conduct workshops and give tarot readings during the tours. 

Bev can be contacted via email: or at the Wellbeing Centre Yamba.

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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”