It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Astral meanders October 2017

In General: One very strong influence this month is Jupiter entering Scorpio on October 10th. This expansive Jupiter energy, now in the house of other people’s money, brings the possibility of financial benefits generally, but it also touches on self- healing and ancestral connections. A relatively long transit, Jupiter will transit this sign until November 9th2018. As Jupiter moves through Scorpio, we learn and understand that in order to heal on any level, we have to cut out the extraneous and focus on what really matters to us. Moderation doesn’t come naturally to either Jupiter or Scorpio, so it’s also wise to go slow and be cautious generally. Uranus semi-square Neptune in the sky on October 7th brings a sudden outbreak of market jitters with some global financial turmoil and confusion likely.

The October 5th Full Moon in Aries brings a sense of spontaneity. Spontaneity is good and will help us all to achieve our goals, as long as we don't become too impulsive. This moon is also opposing Mercury and will create some conflict between the rational mind and our gut instincts. This is a highly-strung energy and needs re-focusing into something creative in order to best channel its nervous restlessness.
On October 14th, Venus enters Libra and we are all inclined to be very obliging with others, ready to negotiate and to make compromises. On October 17th Mercury enters Scorpio making us better observers, especially when it comes to the subtle emotions, desires and interpersonal relationships. Communications can be very successful now.
The New Moon in Libra on the 19th is good for starting new relationships of any kind. We can also focus on balance and getting some more balance into our lives!  This new moon is conjunct Jupiter and brings with it an irrepressible optimism. At this time, it can be too easy to over-estimate our capabilities, as nothing seems to deter individuals from their higher goals.

Those having a birthday this month can expect a grand year ahead filled with growth, positive expansive changes and personal healing. On the world scene, this Jupiter in Scorpio cycle will make our leaders value decisiveness, intensity, willpower and strength above reason and compromise. This could lead to unnecessary force and some issues getting out of hand. Locally it's a great time to get creative and channel our restlessness into positive community projects.

Quote of the month: He who knows others is learned;
He who knows himself is wise.
~Lao-tzu, Tao te Ching


Aries you are encouraged to take risks this October. By stepping outside of your comfort zone you will begin to discover what you find most fulfilling! This applies to your love life, career and personal health. You are likely to have some obstacles career wise this month and will be forced to think outside of the box to overcome them.

Career is the focus this month, Taurus, and you should start by building positive relationships with your colleagues. Towards the end of October, you can begin to move forward with work on new projects, knowing that you have a strong support network. Health also needs attention and perhaps a new approach.

You will have an entirely new experience of work this month, Gemini. New projects will challenge you and keep you interested in your work. You may also be given more responsibility. The nature of your current position will likely increase in scope and/or complexity, or you may be offered a higher position that is completely new.


Cancer, you are probably stressed from all of the changes going on in your life at this time. During October, you should prioritize stress relief activities and healthy eating. This might be a good time to take up yoga or meditation. Communication and clarity in communication is the key to maintaining happy relationships this month.


Education is highlighted in October for Leo. It’s wise to say yes to any opportunities for further learning that come your way now! Career will benefit highly from this. Pay attention to diet and nutrition too. Some excellent advice will come from family members now.

Stress during the beginning of October may tempt you back into some old unhealthy habits. This may provide temporary comfort, but it's more trouble than it’s worth in the long run. Try instead, to begin new healthy and productive routines to counteract your stress. You might consider taking up yoga or going for walks in the morning.


For a productive October Libra, you will need to organize your life properly. You should start by deciding what your priorities are. No one can do and be everything all at once, and by accepting that you can't give a hundred percent at all times, you will have some space to work on the things that really matter and actually have some peace of mind.


 A confident and assertive attitude will bring your plans closer to realization this month, Scorpio. A calm work environment this month, means that you will have plenty of extra energy at the end of the day. You will be able to make a great deal of progress with a hobby or personal project as a result!


Sagittarius, you can look forward to advancement in career this October. You may receive greater responsibility in your current position, be moved to a department you prefer, or be promoted, or you may even be hired somewhere new. There are exciting changes ahead. It is a rewarding time both on a personal and financial level.


Hard work will pay off for you this October, Capricorn. Your efforts will be effective and will be recognized by those around you. While it will be important to work hard and to set lofty goals this month you shouldn't work so hard that you burn yourself out. Find a way to create balance for yourself and also prioritize relaxation.

Your career will take up a significant amount of your time and attention now. Although you will be busy and preoccupied Aquarius, it will be important not to completely neglect other aspects of your life. You should still spend time with your partner if you are in a relationship and you should still look after your health.

Work and life will be hectic and a little out of control this month but if you can remain calm and dedicated toy our routine it will calm down and settle by November. You shouldn't make any drastic changes to your fitness routine instead just stay with what works for now.

Astral meditations: October 31st…Beltaine in the southern Hemisphere.

The Celtic Festival of Beltaine, which marks the beginning of summer in the ancient Celtic calendar is a Cross Quarter Day, half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. The festival was marked with the lighting of bonfires and the movement of animals to summer pastures. The Wheel of the Year is a symbol and calendar for the cycle of the seasons. It consists of eight festivals, spaced at approximately even intervals throughout the year.
As the Wheel originates in the Northern Hemisphere in the Southern Hemisphere we will advance these dates six months so as to coincide with the natural seasons as they occur here. For instance, an Australian Pagan may celebrate Beltane on the 31st, when an American Pagan is celebrating Samhain.
Beltane honours Life. It represents the crowning of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Beltane is basically a Fire Festival. The word 'Beltane' originates from the Celtic God 'Bel', meaning 'the bright one' and the Gaelic word 'teine' meaning fire. Together they make 'Bright Fire', or 'Goodly Fire' and traditionally bonfires were lit to honour the Sun and encourage the support of Bel and the Sun's light to foster the emerging future harvest and safeguard the community.
For us in the modern world, it can be a celebration of nurturing our own soon to be harvest on many levels…we are called to assess what we are caring for and growing in our own lives and how we are doing this! We can put energy and passion into that which we love and choose to see manifest in a wonderful way in our lives! We can renew our vows to a loved one, our promises to ourselves and feed our desires for our future with inspiration and light! We can give energy to seeds we have planted both literally and metaphorically!
Light candles, have a small fire (where this is allowed), feast, dance, sing, drum, jump a broom, and play joyful games, at best we can celebrate the happiness of being alive!

Astral meanders: Hidden talents of the Zodiac!

We all have our obvious talents, but we also have hidden talents, gifts we may not be as aware of…

Aries: Without realizing it you can be the inspiration others need to get moving, you can lay great foundations for the buildings others build!
Taurus: Your cooking is often far better than you give yourself credit for… you have a natural flare for flavours and mix up special treats without too much effort at all!
Gemini: You make friends with ease…you may not know it but you adjust your style to whomever you are conversing with and make them feel very calm and welcome.
Cancer: You guys read people well, if you always trust that gut feeling you have about someone, you will never go wrong!
Leo: Leo has the power of persuasion at its fingertips! You guys naturally lead others into a like-minded way of thinking!
Virgo: You are great at organization and detail but may not be aware that these skills make you good at any work that is fiddly and time consuming! Intricate crafts are right up your ally.
Libra: You have a natural flare for justice and can see the most just way of dealing with just about any situation; others see this in you and respect your opinion!
Scorpio: You have an inbuilt lie detector, you naturally know if someone is being fake! Trust this!
Sagittarius: Your instinct for opportunity is second to none! Without much effort you will find yourself in the right place at the right time almost every time!
Capricorn: you guys are the quintessential multi-taskers! You are able to do much more at one time than almost any other Zodiac sign! And you do it all very well!
Aquarius: Your talent is one of understanding freedom, you naturally know how to set yourself free of shackles, others opinions or whatever ties you down.
Pisces: Your inner talent is intuition, if you let go and trust it you will succeed in anything you choose.

You can contact Bev on 0401800210 for Astrology charts, tarot reading, workshops, meditation classes and house clearings or blessings.

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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”