It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Astral Meanders June 2018

June 2018 

 In General:
In June, the standout transits are Neptune and Mars both turning retrograde. On June 18thNeptune retrogrades in Pisces and says there until November! A Neptune retrograde can cause some disengagement with reality. An over-active imagination and day dreaming are real issues and a general sense of restlessness with the mundane. On June 26th Mars is retrograde in Aquarius until late August. When Mars is retrograde getting things done on our own is not a great option, we really need to learn to work as a team. Energy levels can be reduced and it’s all too easy to get annoyed!

Mid-month Venus enters Leo and Mercury enters Cancer. With Venus in Leo we become more creative and are able to see and appreciate the creative potential in others. Mercury in Cancer improves our memory and lets emotion take the upper hand when negotiating or decision making. It's a reminder to be patient with ourselves, with others and with life in general! A quintile between Uranus and Pluto encourages personal transformation, and this can be especially positive if we enter into it with a spirit of trust.
The New moon this month is Gemini on the 13th and is a positive energy for those studying or learning something new. It's a great energy for manifesting positive change and innovation.  June 28th is the full Moon in Capricorn! Working under pressure and being able to work under pressure are highlighted. It's a good time to release over sensitivity and just get on with things!
If you have a birthday this month it suggests a year of creativity, change and personal transformation! On the world scene, we should see some major changes in policy and approach! Transformative energies are working overtime, but an unpredictable Mars and Neptune energy can make things unstable. Locally is time to work with others cooperatively!

Quote of the month: The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach


You are no doubt already aware that you are going through a process of transformation in your life, as this process has been in the making over the past year. June only strengthens you and pushes you further so it will be hard for you to give yourself some breathing space.


June finds you needing more freedom in your daily life, as you feel restricted in some way. You have an urge to get out and about more and will feel quite stifled and irritable unless you are able to do so. Career issues are likely to go well, however. You are appreciated at work!


You are not happy with your current financial restrictions and may be tempted to over-react in a way that could do you more harm than good. Avoid becoming irritable with people in authority, or being impatient with people at work. Matters will improve by the end of the month as long as you don't act rashly.


The area of health and wellbeing will need some attention from you this month.
You are chafing against perceived personal restrictions to your freedom with the danger of over-reacting, or at the very least a general irritability and frustration that you need to express in some way.


Transformation will figure in your life through love and passion, it could mean a transformation in the lives of your children, if you have them, or you could feel a surge of artistic inspiration that sends your life in a new direction. Areas of home and perhaps even location can be changing as well.

Emotional conflicts and quarrels are likely in June,  so control your irritation if you can, to prevent situations from getting out of hand. Spend more time alone getting your personal space organized and you will benefit in the long run. The last week of June is your best week, relax, enjoy.

Changes need to be made in your life now and if you make the effort, you will succeed in positive change. A sudden need for freedom could result in an over-reaction that you will later regret, so control your irritations if you can, knowing that the situation will look very much better by the end of June. Practice deep breathing!


There’s been much emphasis on your income or personal property over the past month or so and the current Uranus/Pluto alignment suggests that if you really push for what you want now, you will succeed in a way that will transform your life! The New Moon and Venus help your home life to improve and you to feel great.


The efforts that you make to transform your home or family life can succeed well now. With Mars in Capricorn, possessions and income become very important to you. By the end of the month Venus brings harmony and love to your home life. It’s good to spend time beautifying your space and everyone will benefit.


The influence of the Uranus and Pluto alignment indicates that any extra effort on your part now, should result in a positive transformation of your life particularly where location or communication are concerned. Mars, moving into your sign, makes you more assertive, and determined to do things your way.


Saturn makes a difficult aspect to Uranus, indicating that changes in your income can put restrictions on your freedom. However, once you have overcome your feelings of irritation about the current circumstances, you will realize that the best outcome is that you are learning a good deal about yourself!  Stay happy.


The alignment between Uranus and Pluto this month should facilitate some sort of transformation in your life, in the way you think or in the way in which others see you. June brings a period of sudden changes, and as the month progresses, you feel the need to make decisions about perceived limitations to your freedom.

Astral Meditations: How to keep your Zodiac cool!

This month can make us all a bit edgy and emotional, so I thought it would be a good idea to offer a little advice on how best to calm the wild beast in all of us, if you know your moon sign check this out too, the moon governs how we deal with emotion!

Aries: Outdoor exercise keeps you guys smiling, hiking, running, climbing or even a long brisk walk!

Taurus: If it all gets too much, treat yourself to a massage, a spa, a facial or cake! A little self-indulgence goes a long way to a calmer you.

Gemini: Take yourself away from others and enjoy a good inspirational book in the quiet. Sometimes you guys just need a bit of space.

Cancer: Sit by moving water, stroll by moving water, get your feet wet….a river, stream, lake or even the ocean can lift your spirits in no time.

Leo: Stage a little dinner party or outing to a show with close friends. Let your hair down a little and enjoy some fun.

Virgo: Give your room, house or office a good clean out and get your outer life in order! Organizing things externally goes a long way to getting the inner you in balance.

Libra: Librans like to feel useful and the best way for them to relax is doing something with purpose that is distracting and calming, try yoga, doing a puzzle, painting, writing in a journal or a crossword… all with a smile and a cuppa!

Scorpio: Water sports, combining the cleansing energy of H20 and the need for an energy release! Swim, surf, boat, ski, paddle board or diving will all keep you cool!

Sagittarius: You guys love to keep moving, travel is of course the first choice, but hiking, caving, exploring somewhere new are all good for a bit of relaxing self-love, even if just means taking a different route to work!!

Capricorn: The best way for you guys to stay calm is for you to have something challenging to keep you busy! Working out at the gym, any kind of sports training and jogging come to mind.

Aquarius: Time to day dream, meditation and just being able to sit and watch the world go by are important for Aquarians state of mind.

Pisces: Get yourself some fish and watch them doing their thing! Alternatively take a nap or listen to soothing music and recharge!!

Astral meanders: Viking Tour!! Come Join Me.
Dragon’s Eye Tours, in collaboration with WindRose Travel (formerly Jetset Travel Ballina), is pleased to announce its ninth season of sacred sites tours of pilgrimage and magic will take place in May/June 2019.  We will tour Ireland first followed by travel to Iceland, Sweden and Denmark for our inaugural Viking tour. Dragon's Eye Tours are especially designed for those who have a love of history, a fascination for the mystical, and a desire to visit some of the most beautiful and sacred places in these most ancient lands.  Combining well-researched historical and archaeological information with the assistance of expert guides, we shall explore myth and legend, visit holy wells, stone circles, stone ship graves, burial mounds, ancient settlements, pretty villages and passage tombs. 
Rituals, meditations and spiritual insights will be provided throughout the tour by myself. We always have a wonderful time with the small group atmosphere providing a great space for friendships, laughter and bonding.

You can contact Bev on 0401800210 for Astrology charts, tarot reading, workshops, meditation classes, life rituals and house clearings or blessings.

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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”