It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

July 2018 Astral Meanders

JULY 2018 
In General: 

Following over two years in Cancer, Saturn moves into Leo on the 16th of July having a major impact on the energy of this month. There are new lessons we must learn as a result of this change and our journeys will shift in their emphasis. The New Moon on the 6th July is in Cancer, heralding new beginnings emotionally and the Full Moon once again will be in career focused Capricorn. Overall, July is a month when we can reactivate our creativity and give old ideas and projects another go, or a complete overhaul. 

For a little irritation Mercury turns retrograde on the 23rdtaking us well into August! There are delays in travel and communication and its best to allow for this when making plans. 
There are in fact quite a few retrograde planets this month. Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter all place retrograde for some of the month. So we might experience a greater sense of frustration in general! We want fast action but we all we are going to get is a slow steady pace! If we can curb our natural impatience and use this month for some sensible re-evaluating and reformulating of personal and professional strategies, we can assure future success for ourselves. 

If you have a birthday this month then it will bring a year ahead filled with opportunity if you can be extremely honest with yourself and those around you. Locally it’s a month of reflection, which is beneficial if used wisely and on the world scene it should result in some unsuspected changes in high places. 

Thought for the month: Adopt the pace of nature:  her secret is patience.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Home, family and issues of personal security are highlighted for Aries this month. Your inner desires for fun and excitement are also brought to the forefront now.  Getting out into the natural environment and engaging in sporting activities should appeal to you. Your social life is solid and others will appreciate your kindness and generosity.


It’s a busy time for Taurus and there seems to be a lot of activity around you. The home front is especially full and rewarding. For many of you home renovations or the building of a new home is on the cards.
Financial opportunities, negotiations and investments are favoured, but do double check any documents you sign. 


Communications are likely to be light, affectionate and fun this month. Saturn however, is beginning to influence your social life and give it a more serious bent. The very good news, though, is that any strain you have felt during the past two years, where your personal financial situation is concerned, should now ease as Saturn leaves the sign of Cancer. 


Saturn moves into Leo, the area of your chart connected with your personal finances and your property. You are now likely to be forced to get your affairs in order and a wealthier you should emerge in the future as a result. Venus remains in Leo for most of the month however and you may need to curb a desire to acquire things you don’t really need!


With Venus in your sign Leo, you’re likely to be in a good mood this month and prepared to do whatever it takes to facilitate harmonious relationships! It is only in the last week of July, when Mercury turns retrograde and Venus moves on into Virgo, that you will have to take extra care with all your communications in order to avoid misunderstandings.


With Saturn moving into Leo, you may feel somewhat withdrawn and are apt to dwell on what you have or have not accomplished in your life thus far. This is not the best month for starting new projects, but rather a positive time to evaluate the year that has gone so that you are ready to make necessary changes come Spring when the astrological climate is more progressive. 

Librans are likely to have additional responsibilities this month, especially where teamwork is concerned. Opportunities are coming thick and fast now and will bring you much success, it’s important however that you find the right group of people with whom to work. Mars can cause some tension with partners or close relationships and you must be prepared to compromise.


If you are a Scorpion who is ambitious and has prepared well, then this can be the time of your greatest success! However, it can also be a time of greater responsibility in your career, public life or both, which can put a strain on your domestic life, so it’s important to find a balance and keep it. Do your best communicate with clarity and preciseness now. 


You will most likely be feeling a strong a desire to widen your horizons in some way this month Sagittarius, whether this be through travel or further education or similar. In fact with Saturn moving into Leo any long distance journeys you make for quite some time into the future will be undertaken more for practical reasons or obligations than for pure pleasure.


With Mercury turning retrograde on the 23rd, it’s advantageous to get any paper-work out of the way before the likelihood of miscommunication and delays. After two years of having Saturn in Cancer, providing a testing time during which close relationships were put through the ringer, Saturn now moves into Leo, heralding greater pleasure and light heartedness in this arena.

Work has been very hard going recently, but as Saturn moves on into Leo, the New Moon suggests that you are able to make a new positive start in this area. Relationships however are about to be tested somewhat and strong relationships will become even stronger, whilst those that are wrong for you are likely to be discarded.


There is a temptation to be overindulgent this month so keep an eye on your health and well -being! Any health problems you do have can indicate that your lifestyle needs to be looked at more closely and improvements need to be made. Paying attention to this area will pay off in the future. Double check any documents that need to be signed. 

Astral meditations: Meditations on Saturn…..

Each planet is associated with a different chakra. It is all about vibration, so when we think, act or sing in a way that activates a different chakra, we are adding light and energy to those areas of our ‘being’ or those layers of our aura in essence.  

Saturn is associated with the 6th Chakra, guiding us to one of the highest levels on our path of spiritual evolution.
Saturn is associated with time and is timeless.
Saturn helps us to define our values and to live by them. 

Sixth chakra meditation focuses on the Ajnaor third eye chakra, the chakra of perception, imagination and visualization. Meditation on this chakra can help to balance these qualites and enhance your decision making. 
  • Sit comfortably, breathe deeply
  • Visualize a deep-indigo luminous light spinning slowly at the centre of your forehead 
  • Imagine this indigo light filling up your head 
  • Now visualize a beam of indigo light shooting down from the chakra to encompass and fill your whole body
  • Imagine this light filling up your entire body with a radiant energy
  • Meditate for 10-15 minutes 
  • Breathe and relax…..enjoy your day

Astral meanders: Come on a spectacular Viking Tour with ME!! Get in Soon, Places on the tour going quickly!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon’s Eye Tours, in collaboration with WindRose Travel (formerly Jetset Travel Ballina), is pleased to announce its ninth season of sacred sites tours of pilgrimage and magic will take place in May/June 2019.  We will tour Ireland first followed by travel to Iceland, Sweden and Denmark for our inaugural Viking tour. Dragon's Eye Tours are especially designed for those who have a love of history, a fascination for the mystical, and a desire to visit some of the most beautiful and sacred places in these most ancient lands.  Combining well-researched historical and archaeological information with the assistance of expert guides, we shall explore myth and legend, visit holy wells, stone circles, stone ship graves, burial mounds, ancient settlements, pretty villages and passage tombs.  
Rituals, meditations and spiritual insights will be provided throughout the tour by myself.We always have a wonderful time with the small group atmosphere providing a great space for friendships, laughter and bonding. 

You can contact Bev on 0401800210 for Astrology charts, tarot reading, workshops, meditation classes, life rituals and house clearings or blessings. 

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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”