It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Astral Meanders August 2018

In General:

This month is still suffering under the slower energy of many retrogrades. These planets include: Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, and Mercury.
During a multi-retrograde period like this, the energy becomes slow and instead of trying to forge ahead, we should instead look to our past and how our actions, attitudes, and beliefs can manifest in our lives in positive ways.

Mars is the most significant of these retrogrades, as it retrogrades the least often and its effects are much more noticeable. When Mars retrogrades it really challenges us to assess and review the direction of our lives. It can make us feel argumentative and on edge. Mercury goes retrograde every few months so its energy is something we are used to. However the effects of Mercury retrograde during this month are likely to be amplified and we may feel more out of sorts than usual. During Mercury retrograde in Leo, we may be encouraged to think about new ways to be creative and innovative.

Our final eclipse for 2018 comes on August 11th in Leo. With this Leo solar eclipse, we may want to focus on many aspects of love, what we love about our lives, making time to do the things we love, and being with the people we love.
Then we have a full moon in Pisces on August 26th. Pisces brings in some compassionate, empathic energy, and we can work on being more understanding emotionally and spiritually.

If you have a birthday in August you will have a year focused on relationships. On the world scene it’s a volatile time with much that is unexpected and out of the blue, occurring. Locally be prepared to listen to your heart.

Quote: The pacifist's task today is to find a method of helping and healing which provides a revolutionary constructive substitute for war. ~Vera Brittain, 1964

Whether you realize it or not you are poised on a more creative path and your next step is to clear the way for new innovations. This may also require you to heal some self-esteem issues. The time has come to let go of social distractions and focus on your own gifts.


Life has been rather hectic for Taureans of late. This month is no different except that you may have a reprieve around August 8 and 9, where you have a moment to catch your breath before adjusting to more changes. If you keep your eye on the ultimate goal, then you are likely to look back on this time with deep satisfaction.


Money and prestige are just over the horizon. This is a very positive turning point for Gemini. Lots of change, innovation, and the unusual will keep you entertained now. The full moon brings out your compassionate side and you may find yourself helping out a friend in need.


You have a lot to be thankful for in this cycle. Things become simpler and easier again. Mercury retrograde ends mid-month and it’s easier to get written assignments completed and documents dealt with. The Full moon on the 26th provides you with some useful intuitive insights.


The solar eclipse is a very powerful influence for new energy in your life. Your whole world could pivot, based on a major new job, a home move, a new exciting romance, or some other major positive change in your life. Mercury turns direct in Leo on August 19th, and things become much more balanced and calm again.


You may find yourself dealing with issues that are sensitive or in some cases secret, this month. However, by the Full Moon in Pisces on the 26th, you will have a clearer picture of what you want to achieve and where you are going. Happily, your financial situation is good this month!


Apart from Mars’s retrograde position, which could create some difficulties and which will continue through August 19th, all else is positive for you this month.  After the 19th, business negotiations and written work are favoured. Make sure to use this opportunity wisely.


Relationships require a degree of care this month. There could be part of you that wants to be very much more to the point, particularly from midmonth, and folk could find you rather outspoken mid-August. A more social and gregarious trend comes in from the Full Moon of the 26th.


There are opportunities to make new friends this month, through travel, education or work. The key is not to have any preconceived ideas, as there’s a chance you could encounter someone initially, that doesn't quite seem your cup of tea, and then find out that there is a lot more to them, which will be appealing to you.


This month's Partial Solar Eclipse forges an angle to Pluto, in your sign, Capricorn. This can cause some frustration and the unexpected. Professionally you should be able to do quite well this month. Travel for work or a new posting in your job is a distinct possibility. It’s an excellent month to carry out plans since you will certainly succeed.


Although you will be working through some ideas that are different and not necessarily fully understood by you, don't dismiss the importance of the process that you're going through. It will provide you with the foundation for brilliant new things to come. Mercury goes direct on the 19th, and new possibilities will fall into place.


The Full Moon on the 26th of August is in your sign and creates a delicate link to both Saturn and Uranus. This creates an energy that brings change or alterations in general and often improvements around relationships. Embrace this change and open up to new and innovative things for the best results.

Astral meditations: Mars retrograde
All of the planets have a period of being in retrograde, when they “appear” to move backward in the sky. Mercury turns retrograde when it is about 14 degrees ahead of the Sun and it is retrograde for 3 weeks 3 times each year. The other planets turn retrograde when they are on the opposite side of the zodiac from the Sun. Often, a planet forming a trine to the Sun will also be retrograde. Mars is retrograde for slightly less than 2 months every 2 years. When a planet is retrograde, it does not work in its usual manner. One frequently needs to make changes in their lives or to work on an inner, psychological level before the planet can express itself outwardly. When Mars is retrograde, it depletes vitality so that it is never a great time to initiate things. Whoever initiates at this time will lose, be it a new project, a great love, an argument, a lawsuit, or an even an international war. New projects seldom get off the ground, it new romances tend to go no-where. Even in an international war, history shows that whomever fires first during a Mars retrograde will automatically lose or ultimately withdraw.
So the best way to handle a Mars retrograde, is to be patient, keep strong and grounded in what you are doing, and wait till later to begin new things that you desire taking into your long-term future.

Astral meanders: Come on a spectacular Viking Tour with ME!! Get in Soon, Places on the tour going quickly!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon’s Eye Tours, in collaboration with WindRose Travel (formerly Jetset Travel Ballina), is pleased to announce its ninth season of sacred sites tours of pilgrimage and magic will take place in May/June 2019.  We will tour Ireland first followed by travel to Iceland, Sweden and Denmark for our inaugural Viking tour. Dragon's Eye Tours are especially designed for those who have a love of history, a fascination for the mystical, and a desire to visit some of the most beautiful and sacred places in these most ancient lands.  Combining well-researched historical and archaeological information with the assistance of expert guides, we shall explore myth and legend, visit holy wells, stone circles, stone ship graves, burial mounds, ancient settlements, pretty villages and passage tombs. 
Rituals, meditations and spiritual insights will be provided throughout the tour by myself. We always have a wonderful time with the small group atmosphere providing a great space for friendships, laughter and bonding.

You can contact Bev on 0401800210 for Astrology charts, tarot reading, workshops, meditation classes, life rituals and house clearings or blessings.

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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”