It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Monday, November 26, 2018

astral meanders dec 2018

In General: December continues with the Mercury retrograde until December 6th the day before the new moon, enhancing the sense of personal release and freedom. This new moon is in Sagittarius, bringing a breath of encouragement and optimism to our lives. This is a time to set our intentions for the future and plant the seed of those resolutions we choose to make at New Year. Jupiter finally in Sagittarius also brings much opportunity to plan for the future and make our dreams a reality. The Capricorn Solstice on December 21st is an important solstice as it has the amazing connection of Venus with Neptune plus the fortunate combination of Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius. This means travel, communication, relationships of all kinds and the appreciation of art and creativity are enhanced and highly favoured. There is a Cancer full moon Saturday22nd, bringing a deep desire to connect with those we love. A Cancer full moon is always about finding a balance between our responsibilities and duties whilst taking care of our inner and emotional needs too. If you have a birthday this month then it heralds an amazing opportunity for a positive ne phase in your life and year ahead where dreams can come true! On the world scene December’s focus is on youth and change! Locally its time to share with those you love.
Thought for the month: The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps — we must step up the stairs. ~Vance Havner


Patience with others is not easy for Aries this month, but it will come with a positive focus. Mercury retrograde is making communication difficult and can undermine mutual understanding. However things improve after the 20th. Say less, listen more and remember to breathe!


This month sees you more obstinate and argumentative than usual! Fortunately, a retrograde Saturn helps you to find a new way of articulating what you believe and what is important to you. Read an uplifting book or learn meditation to encourage a relaxed, less defensive attitude.


It’s a good time to let your heart do your speaking and listening for you, and to let go of over analytical head thinking! Relationships can experience misunderstandings if you are not careful. Focus on your creative self and re-visit those hobbies that make you feel free, whole and less restrained.


As holidays approach you will be happy to know that relationships are positively supported. The Full Moon this month happens the day after Christmas in your Sun sign. This is an especially lovely time for you. You are also likely to make some interesting new friends or contacts before month’s end.


Expanding your horizons and thinking out of the box are the major themes this month.
Not only is this a good period to take the lid off of limited thinking, the Sun, Mars, and Venus are likely to inspire your more creative self. Its time to get back to all the hobbies you have let slide.


With Mercury retrograde, you need to focus on being satisfied in your own wisdom and truth without expecting others to ‘get you.’ It’s important, particularly later in the month, to be patient with others, especially with family members. Be careful with financial decisions.


This month you are filled with more energy and creativity, making you more playful and enthusiastic. Increased vitality will help you better reach your goals and enjoy good times with friends and family. Your creative thought and mental activity increase. This will likely be a very busy but also a productive time.


This month brings good news and a generally happy frame of mind. Fortune once again smiles on you, making this the ideal time to start a new course of study, book or start a holiday or plan your financial future. Social charm, tact and diplomacy make this the right time to make friends and do business.


December is an exciting time when increased intuition and flashes of insight lead to self-discovery and personal revelations. You may feel like trying sometime new, outside of your normal routine. This is certainly an excellent time to leave your comfort zone and widen your social circle with some different people.


December brings good news for Capricorns. Good fortune comes easily now. You should feel broad-minded, generous and sociable. There is excitement, positive change and some pleasant surprises now. New people or even a new attitude could lead to advances with your career, finances and love life.


You are filed with energy and creativity this month, making you more playful and enthusiastic about life. Increased vitality will help you reach your goals and enjoy good times with friends and family. This is a good time to use your initiative and make real progress wit future plans.


Strength and courage increase as you enter December. It can make you feel positive and energetic but also frustrated and angry. However, channeling your aggression into passion will bring success in sports, business, relationships and career. This can be a good time to begin new projects or complete difficult tasks.

Astral meditations: New Year INTENTIONS

As we traverse December and prepare for the New Year it’s a time of endings and beginnings. Many of us are thinking about New Year’s resolutions and taking stock at this time, but how many of those typical resolutions are just ‘self’ improvement projects (which means we’re trying to get more, be more or have more) rather than ways to actually better embrace the life we already have right here and now?
This is based on a simple but powerful kind of reinforcement. By offering the universe an intention and repeating it every day, you can accomplish two things. First, you will train your brain to adapt to a new way of thinking. Second, you will begin to identify with a higher vision of your life. Using the power of intention is one of the most valuable skills you can aquire. Some suggestions of intentions are: I want a joyful, energetic body, I want a loving, compassionate heart, I want a restful, alert mind and I want lightness of being.
Step 1: Take a few moments in the morning to sit quietly before moving into the day’s activity. This is your time for setting the inner agenda for the day. If you already meditate or pursue your own inner practice, you can add your intentions at the end of your session.
Step 2:  When your mind is settled, follow your breath, for a few minutes. Then consciously place your attention on your heart.
Step 3: Repeat your intentions, taking a pause between each one to let the intention find its place inside you.

Good luck
Astral meanders: Mid-summer
Astronomically, this is the longest day of the year, although the hottest days of the summer still lie ahead, from this point onward we enter the waning year, and each day the Sun will recede from the skies a little earlier, until Mid-winter, when the days begin to become longer again.
Agriculturally, the crops are in full growth. They are reaching the pinnacles of maturity and coming closer to the harvest time.
It is harvest time and a time of thanksgiving for what we  have. The themes of celebrating our hard work and reflecting on all we have achieved so far are dominant. Because Summer Solstice marks the point at which the seasons begin to turn towards the darker side of the year now is also a time for us to take stock of what we are holding onto and what, if anything still needs to be released or let go of in our lives.
It is a great time for sharing with those we love, for giving to those less fortunate and for filling our homes with images of abundance, perhaps, flowers, bowls of fruit and so on… I like to make my Christmas tree a thankful tree at this time of year and honour the solstice energies, by getting everyone who passes over the threshold of my home, to write a thank-you note and pin it to my tree.

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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”