It is always wise to keep in mind that while Sun sign astrology is interesting it is not definitive...knowing about your unique and individual chart is the only way to instigate a deep insight about your weeks or months ahead and the energy trends affecting you personally!

If you are looking at the sun sign columns in this or any other transcript, and you know your moon and ascendant signs , check them out too, for more comprehensive information...

Then again try getting your own chart created...there will be no other chart like it and it will inform you, grow you and inspire you like nothing else in your life! All you need to know is birth time, place and date...If you want more information about this email me on

I also facilitate Workshops in Astrology, Meditation,Ritual and Tarot....If you want a face to face Astrology or Tarot reading I am available on Skype!! Email me to book an appointment...please use the heading APPOINTMENT.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Astral meanders January 22-28 2014

In General:  Last quarter Moon on the 24th comes with the Sun in Aquarius squaring the Moon in Scorpio. For many this can create a sort of crisis of consciousness. It’s time to sort out what works for us and what doesn't. Now that the sun is in Aquarius we are striving to free ourselves from some of the restrictions, self-consciousness, and confines that now feel limiting rather than safe. On the 24th and 25th Mercury is activated again with an animated trine to Mars which confers mental energy and powerful opinions upon us! It also squares Saturn which suggests that some of those opinions maybe contentious to others.  However, on the positive side Saturn can help us to use all that Mars energy to actually get things done and complete tasks. If you have a birthday this week then you might like to take up a new challenge or begin a new field of study or hobby this year. On the world scene it’s a week of little changes that can have rather large repercussions, in general folk will want to speak up and be heard and will want to challenge the status quo. Locally use that energy to get things done that you have been putting off and avoid starting arguments!

Thought for the week: Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. Og Mandino

Your social life picks up pace this week. As a result new connections can be made now and networking pays off, or at least pleases you. This is an amazing time to follow your dreams and to plant seeds for the future. Intimate relationships may need to deal with old issues from the past again.

You guys are quite visible now and others are noticing your talents. Changes can come to your work or career and you may receive a promotion or more responsibility. This is an excellent week for reworking your finances. But do take your time when it comes to major decision making.

You guys are feeling more outgoing and adventurous this week. Your predisposition during this week is to think about the "big picture" rather than the ordinary circumstances and particulars of your everyday life. This period is good for re-evaluating relationship needs, but any decisions should be left till after the 30th.

This is an excellent time for getting to the core of problems within the family, particularly around the 24th, although getting this can include some conflict. Just how well you are managing your life comes up for review now. Your self-mastery abilities and psychological disposition matter to you more than normal.

Your energy receives a pick me up this week when you get some support and appreciation from a partner. There is a lot of importance placed upon communications with partners and friends at this time. You can use the authority of words to counsel others or to make peace with folks in your life.

Life may seem particularly costly now, as there can be extra expenses concerning kids, partners and even friends at this time. This is however, a good time to get organized, and to look after your health and general wellbeing. It's a great period to make improvements to your usual routines.

You guys are beginning to relax and enjoy yourself more now. This is the phase in which you emphasize fun, enjoying your relationship, and expressing yourself imaginatively. Your hobbies, leisure, children and so forth, all come into focus. You have increased spontaneity and creativity!

There is definitely a need for more rest now, the comforts of home and family will draw you more than usual. This is a time when you guys want to send down roots and seek a feeling of belonging. Good companionship is as important to you as romance during this phase. You might find that people drop by your home often this week.

You guys are more curious usual, and you could be fairly busy with errands, paperwork, phone calls, and socializing. Siblings, neighbors, relatives, friends, and co-workers may play a more important role than is usual during this phase. Your interests are particularly diverse at this time, and perhaps scattered.

This is a strong week for self-improvement and laying the ground work for financial success. You are being more practical and rational in your approach to finances now. There is a strong focus on getting ahead in your career, but you need to deliberately slow yourself down in order to process where you are heading.

People are a tad disappointing this week but beware a tendency to make mountains out of molehills! This may also be a restless period for you guys when it is difficult to turn the thinking process off and just relax! There is a lot going on behind the scenes for you but you won’t see results till next month.

There can be a lot of attention placed upon the past and to dealing with endings or tying up projects that have run their course, this week. You could be feeling unsupported both emotionally and financially, and be a little withdrawn when it comes to communications and especially general chit-chat.

Astral Peeks: Diet and the stars

If Christmas and New Year have you trying to get back to your best weight and on to a healthy eating regime again then consider this approach.
Aries: your passionate self needs a quick and intense regimen that can actually grip your attention for a while!
Taurus: Regular physical activity and a general dietary awareness work best for you.
Gemini: Let yourself graze, lots of small meals will work best!
Cancer: A slow long term fitness programme will see results for you guys, nothing too unpredictable.
Leo: You like a social scene so joining the gym will suit you wonderfully.
Virgo: A good health kick, or a purifying programme will suit you.
Libra: A balanced diet and someone to exercise with a friend will keep you on track.
Scorpio: Bikram Yoga or a juice cleanse or both will make you happy with yourself again!
Sagittarius: Vigorous activities like hiking or surfing will help keep you on track.
Capricorn: you like a systematic long term approach with regular exercise and organized dietary requirements.
Aquarius: Walking, dancing and jogging suit best.
Pisces: Three meals a day and no snacking. Conscious eating and blessing the meal.

Meditation moments: Come away with me…..magical tour of England and Ireland

Dragon’s Eye Tours, in collaboration with Jetset Travel Ballina, is pleased to announce its sixth season of sacred sites tours of pilgrimage and magic, the first to the West Country of England and Cornwall, and the second to Ireland. This year I am guest tour guide….facilitating meditations, workshops and Astrology and Tarot consultation along the way! I am sure we will have oodles of fun and adventure together!
Departing London on 1 September and starting in Dublin on 14 September 2014, both tours are especially designed for those who have a love of history, a fascination for the mystical, and a desire to visit some of the most beautiful and sacred places in these most ancient lands.  Combining well-researched historical and archaeological information with the assistance of expert guides, we shall explore myth and legend, visit holy wells, stone circles, pagan temples, ancient castles and settlements, pretty villages and passage tombs.  In the West Country, we shall walk Britain's oldest road and in Ireland drive the stunningly beautiful North Antrim Coast. Travelling with a small group (12 max) and with plenty of time to relax, wander, explore, meditate and experience the power and energy of the special places we visit, you can be assured of a unique and exceptional holiday experience. As it’s a small group you need to book early to secure a place…and you can pay in instalments!!

Check it out here:

For booking enquiries, contact:
Kathy Ballingall or David Ballingall
Senior International Consultants
Jetset Travel Ballina
Tel: (02) 6686 6566
Fax: (02) 6686 7152


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“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”

“Miracles are as close as the heavens above and the blossoms beneath”